The pre-recorded webinar program “Limited Scope Family Legal Services – Where the Rubber Hits the Road” provides lawyers with the essential training, resources and best practices they require in order to provide limited scope services to family law clients as part of Ontario’s FLLSS Project. Lawyers must complete the Family Law Limited Scope Services training provided by the Project before submitting an application to join the online Lawyer Directory. Click here for details.

Unbundling Legal Services for Family Lawyers
November 9, 2020 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
| $50The cost of family law services are out of reach for many, resulting in an increase in self-represented parties. You can facilitate better access to legal representation through limited scope retainers. Our speakers help you to understand and address the challenges and opportunities so you can competently and effectively build unbundled services into a successful family law practice.
Co-chaired by Brian Burke and Tami Moscoe of the Family Law Limited Scope Services Project steering committee, this webinar qualifies for 2 hours of professionalism CPD and is approved for the LAWPRO Risk Management Credit. Registration is required by November 9, 2020 1:00 pm through the LSO Store: