Welcome to our Directory of lawyers who will work with family law clients on an unbundled basis. Each of the lawyers listed in the Directory has completed the training we offer on how to deliver unbundled family law services. Contact information for participating lawyers is included in their Lawyer Profile in the Directory.
Please note that Ontario’s Family Law Limited Scope Services Project does not endorse or recommend specific lawyers.
If you are interested in working with one of the lawyers in our Directory or otherwise, you should contact the lawyer to decide if they are right for you. When doing so, you may want to ask them about (i) their experience providing family law services, (ii) their general approach to family law disputes, and (iii) the fees that they charge for their services.
Jennifer Suzor |
- 5192522772
- jsuzor@familylawspecialist.ca
3231 Tecumseh Road East
N8W 1H2- http://www.familylawspecialist.ca
- @SuzorMediation
- 1988
- Jennifer Suzor
- 32
- 100
Windsor, Essex County, Leamington, Chatham and online to rest of Province
Accredited Mediator - English
- Yes
- Phone, Email, Skype, Other Zoom
- Hourly rate, Flat fee
My practice is restricted to mediation and other consensual dispute resolution methods because they are more appropriate for the issues that arise in family breakdown and more affordable for families. I practiced as a specialist in family law for over 30 years at all levels of the Court and would like to see families resolve matters in a way that is not destructive to them.